What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • ASD is described as a “neurological developmental disorder” and symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life.
  • Almost all children with ASD have deficits in adaptive skills, many have intellectual (learning) disabilities, social and communication difficulties.
  • Children of all genders, races, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds can be diagnosed with ASD.
  • Although ASD can be a lifelong disorder, early interventions and treatment can improve a child’s symptoms and daily functioning.
  • Early signs of ASD are often apparent at the infant stage of development. These include lack of eye movement and non-verbal social interactions. 
  • ASD has been shown to have a substantial financial impact on families and affects their quality of life. 

Prevalence of ASD

  • 3.5 million adults and children in North America have been diagnosed with ASD.
  • The CDC reported that approximately 1 in 36 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (As of 2023, based on data gathered in 2020).
  • Boys are more than 4 times as likely to be identified with ASD than girls.

How is ASD Currently Diagnosed 

  • Diagnosis of ASD is based on subjective (psychological / behavioral) evaluations (e.g., ADOS, ADI).
  • Objective laboratory tests are not part of the current diagnostic algorithm
  • Diagnosis is often made at specialized clinics/centers (far away from “home”), and may require testing over multiple days
  • Age of testing – in many cases children are not tested until the age of ~3 – 4, despite the evidence to suggest that earlier diagnosis and start of treatment/intervention are beneficial for outcomes

Researching Biomarkers to Identify children at high risk of developing ASD

Cell-El is working to identify blood-borne, ASD-specific diagnostic markers. Using proteomics Cell-El’s initial analysis of a broad panel of serum proteins has identified a pattern of biomarkers that can be used to discriminate between typically developed (TD) children and those on the autism spectrum.  Read more about our scientific method and published research:

photo of a blood test, licensed image from elements.envato.com

Participate in the Diagnostic Study

We look forward to your participation in the Cell-El screening study. Please read the information below regarding the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the following cohorts: 1. Infants and their mothers and 2. Children pre and post Stem Cell Therapy (SCT). Then please fill out the appropriate form. Please note: At this time we are only recruiting participants residing in Israel.

Important Information

Please click on the titles below to view the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

  • Cohort of infants and their mothers: Mothers of high-risk infants and infants aged 10-19 months not diagnosed with ASD, but with a sibling diagnosed with ASD according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-IV (299.00) or DSM-V (299.00) or
  • Cohort of children pre and post SCT: Male and female children age 2-18 years old diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-IV (299.00) or DSM-V (299.00) undergoing stem cell therapy.
  • For both cohorts: Informed consent signed by the parents

For both cohorts:

  • Child and/or mother completed treatment with systemic steroids or immune suppressants less than 4 weeks before the screening visit
  • Child and/or mother diagnosed with severe infectious diseases or sepsis over the last 6 months
  • Child with ASD treated for a severe convulsive disorder
  • Child and/or mother with hematological or malignant disorder

For children in the SCT cohort: 

  • No new planned immune-modulating treatment (other than SCT) for at least 6 months before or after planned stem cell transplantation date.

Parent / Clinician Forms

We are interested in hearing from you and would like to know more about how you want to participate in the Cell-El study. Please fill out the appropriate form below and we will contact you.
Please note: At this time we are only recruiting participants residing in Israel.

Parent’s Form

If you are a parent of a child diagnosed with ASD, please fill out the form below.

    Country: Israel

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    Clinician’s Form

    If you are a clinician treating children diagnosed with ASD, please fill out the form below.

      I am interested in finding out more about the study for:

      Yes! I would like to subscribe to the Cell-El mailing list

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